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Nominating Committee

Who knows better what farmers need than farmers themselves? AgCredit’s Nominating Committee is a committee comprised of 18 stockholders representing the 18 Counties within our Northern Ohio chartered territory. They are elected by the voting stockholders of the cooperative.

As a nominating committee member, their responsibility is to identify, evaluate, and nominate at least two willing and suit­able candidates for each open director posi­tion. By being the representative of their own County, they better know who would make a strong director candidate.

The committee also nominates candidates to replace themselves on the next year’s Nominating Committee. Because a nominating committee is not a committee of the board, its independence from board and management influence is critical to the success of our financial coop­erative and the preservation of stockholder control. 

Other Board Committees

Audit Committee

Dr. David Stott; Scott Chalfin; Mike Thiel

Credit Committee

Joel Albright; Stephen Reinhard

Operations Committee

Kevin Flanagan; Terry McClure; Lisa Heiser

Governance Committee

Dusty Sonnenberg; Fred Pond

Compensation Committee

Dr. David Stott; Fred Pond; Dusty Sonnenberg; Michael Thiel

Scholarship & Mission Committee

Fred Pond; Terry McClure; Joel Albright